Commonwealth Arena - Site License 13/09/2020 - 16:52 PM 4J Studios National Open Series - 11/09/2020 to 13/09/2020 Nat Open H2 6 and 7 Meadowmill Sports Centre Event 76 Mixed Discus Throw Band C =============================================================== Comp# Name Year Team Finals =============================================================== Finals 1 # 368 Haley Elliott U17 W Vp-Glasgow AC 29.69m 29.12m 29.69m 28.97m 24.09m 28.80m 29.16m 2 # 122 Lorna Brown V45 W Falkirk Vict 27.17m 22.47m FOUL FOUL 23.75m 23.91m 27.17m 3 # 202 Sophie Michie U20 W Helensburgh Aac 25.85m 25.47m FOUL 25.52m 24.34m 25.85m 24.66m 4 # 105 Emma Solley U20 W Edinburgh AC 24.00m 22.27m 23.07m 22.45m FOUL 23.54m 24.00m